Monday, July 11, 2016

Chelsea Netflix Show Episode 5 - Wanda Sykes

Women fucking rock.

The first episode of “Chelsea” that I watched was Episode 5. It gave me a spiritual awakening...which I am sure sounds surprising. It has nothing to do with the doobie I smoked beforehand. 

The show opens with Chelsea interviewing some elderly folk about the upcoming US presidential election. The cheap tequila shot version of this episode is:

1) Women are fucking awesome
2) Women need to be in power
3) Women need to get out and vote to ensure Donald Trump doesn't remotely come close to winning the next election.

Now give me two bucks for that shot slut. 

Sassyness aside, this is exactly the type of modern conversation that should be intertwined within a comedy show or “late night” show to get us paying attention and engaged. The additional bonus is that a strong amazing woman is doing it, while being funny, educational, and betchy. (We are totally friends in my head) #friendsinmyhead 

Oh yeah, and if you didn't already know, there are racist white old men in Florida that plan on voting for Trump and believe that Obama destroyed the USA and is also a secret Muslim. Can't make that shit up yo! PS: There is nothing wrong with being Muslim or an old white man unless you are a terrorist or Donald Trump. If you are either of those you can fuck right off. 

Wanda Sykes rocks.

I watched this episode first because I am also a huge fan of Wanda Sykes. She is an incredible comedian and genuine spirit. She is a proud African American Lesbian that doesn't care who you are, who you fuck, or where you pee. “Pee anywhere” she says; in response to the idiocy of the bathroom laws for transgendered American citizens. 

There is a guest on this episode which is a really cool person to interview along side Wanda Sykes. Someone who is also a professional “speaker” or “writer” of sorts. REGARDLESS, gotta say Chelsea, its pretty impressive to have someone who writes speeches for one of the most power people in the world on your show. Keep it up GF.

Betta watch bitches to see who it is. 

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